Kachema Sirloin Steak

Get ready for summer with this dish. Try out our succulent sirloin steak. You can find our quality Kachema steak at any Pick n Pay.


  • Pepper
  • Salt
  • 4 cloves Garlic
  • 2 table spoons Butter
  • Herbs


Step 1.
Rub steak with salt and pepper

Step 2.
Heat oil in a frying pan

Step 3.
Add Kachema’s sirloin steak to the pan and cook for 4 mins on each side

Step 4.
Add herbs and butter to the pan and bath the steak in the liquid for 2 mins

Step 5.
Remove steak from pan and let it rest for 2 minutes

Step 6.
Serve with your favorite salad!